Friday, December 11, 2009


I interview my mom about what she knew about Women’s soccer between years 1995 -2009. In 1995, she was 27years old. She was going to school she didn’t go back to work till I was two and a half. She told me at that time she was really not playing any attention to sports or any thing else. The only reason she said that was, because she was having me and she had a four and a half year old pain in the butt brother, ha. He also played soccer to and my mom said she would push me around in the stroller to watch him play. So even when I was a baby I loved soccer so much.
When I was old enough to play soccer which was around four years old, my mom started to coach the soccer team I was on, for about eight year. She said while she was coaching, she played soccer for the City of Hobart, where I lived before we moved her. I loved her coaching my team because I didn’t have to get use to a weird person. She would also ask me who would be good where and what do I think. She had been playing for a few years before she hurt her ankle. The game stop and an ambulance came, and when they told that she had a hairline fracture.
She said when we move that really broke her heart because the team was like her second family. So when we moved here she really couldn’t do any thing because I had a new coach and she didn’t like the idea of not coaching my team. She has little experience of women’s soccer. This is way I am going to teach her some thing about USA women’s soccer when this assignment is over.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The roller coaster of US Womens Soccer

Women’s soccer didn’t actually start till about 1970’s.Now even then there where some difficult times. One of those times where when they this thing called Title IX which mandates gender equity in education. That didn’t stop the women; college varsity was sky rocketing in numbers. So because of that they had no chose but to make a national team. They made a great move and few years later and established a national women’s soccer team. The year of 1987 was the best year the US team could have had because they got the player, Mia Hamm.

The years were going and the women’s team was still doing badly but the men’s team was doing great and won the 1994 World Cup title. FIFA was the thing that got the US women’s team to be great again for making a women’s World Cup championship. Now they can show everyone what they are made of. They didn’t shoot off right away though because their coach Dorrance wanted to see what kind of talents they had and what they can do. The real test came in 1991.” Dorrance then tested his strength against tougher competition, and showed that the Cup was anybody’s game.”( Litterer, Dave)

Although the US had some losses to Norway, China, and Denmark they always played a close game, and never gave up. The US still went to the World Cup. That world cup was held in china and there were approximately 20,000 people per game. They had won World Cup, but after that the team had fell apart. They seemed that there was no use to practice because no big tournament that was coming so they fell apart. “A key gap in the women’s soccer landscape was filled this year by the United States Interregional Soccer League.”( Litterer, Dave).

The journey to the 1995 World Cup was a struggle was a challenge for them. No less disappointing loss to Norway in the semifinals didn’t not stop the team. ”This loss to Norway was a bitter pill to swallow, and marked the launch of a fierce rivalry, but nothing could be taken away from the players’ performances.”(Litterer, Dave) They didn’t make it to the World Cup finals, but that more then ever thieved the team more than ever to make it in the 1996 World Cup. The year that the USA team made it in the 1996 really, got the attention of the American public. The US men had made it in to the World Cup, but unfortunately they lost, while the women took the gold home.

After the Olympics the team took another rest, and didn’t regroup till February 1997. “Now the task was not just keeping the team going, but making plans for the 1999 World Cup, which had the potential to be an even bigger blockbuster than the Olympics.”(Litterer, Dave) Meanwhile the USA team was continuing to beef up the talents while they had a chance. There were no tournaments at this time. The US had a dizzy schedule by winning 16 out of the 18 games of there season. “Coming on the heels of Major League Soccer’s successful debut, there were soon calls for the establishment of a professional women’s league to be in place before the 1999 World Cup, and soon a group was organizing what would be the National Soccer Alliance for 1998.”(Litterer, Dave) The playing and practice schedule was more than ever hard, but that seemed to make the players more determined to win.

So winning two World Cup titles, and an Olympic gold and sliver medal, US obviously were dominating the World in women’s soccer

Thursday, December 3, 2009

“It is not sacrifice if you love what you're doing.”(Mia Hamm)

People think that she was the one responsible for making women's soccer American sport."First-ever three-time U.S. Soccer athlete of the year." (Mia Hamm)Mariel Margret Hamm or people know her as Mia Hamm was the best women's soccer player of her time. She was also one of the best players on the USA women's soccer team. All of that started when she was fifteen years old. She was 5-5 and 127 pounds. She was the youngest player to ever to be on the USA women's soccer team. Her position on the team was a forward. So her career shy rocketed from there. After helping the USA team win two World Cup titles, the World Cup in 1995 she was named the MYP. Also winning two Olympic gold medals, she retired in 2004. While she was playing for the US team she also was playing on the Women's United Soccer Association professional league for Washington freedom. She set a record for scoring 158 goals, for both men and women." She was named the Women's Sports Foundation Athlete of the Year for 1997." (Mia Hamm) I think Mia Hamm is on e of the best soccer players of all time that was on the USA women’s soccer team. This is a article about her and what her had accomplished though the years.