Friday, December 11, 2009


I interview my mom about what she knew about Women’s soccer between years 1995 -2009. In 1995, she was 27years old. She was going to school she didn’t go back to work till I was two and a half. She told me at that time she was really not playing any attention to sports or any thing else. The only reason she said that was, because she was having me and she had a four and a half year old pain in the butt brother, ha. He also played soccer to and my mom said she would push me around in the stroller to watch him play. So even when I was a baby I loved soccer so much.
When I was old enough to play soccer which was around four years old, my mom started to coach the soccer team I was on, for about eight year. She said while she was coaching, she played soccer for the City of Hobart, where I lived before we moved her. I loved her coaching my team because I didn’t have to get use to a weird person. She would also ask me who would be good where and what do I think. She had been playing for a few years before she hurt her ankle. The game stop and an ambulance came, and when they told that she had a hairline fracture.
She said when we move that really broke her heart because the team was like her second family. So when we moved here she really couldn’t do any thing because I had a new coach and she didn’t like the idea of not coaching my team. She has little experience of women’s soccer. This is way I am going to teach her some thing about USA women’s soccer when this assignment is over.

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